Photos: Alfredo Sciuto + Nancy Lupo |
Diverse Universe, Tallinn and Tartu, Estonia, 2005 |
—1 body, 1 crochet hook, 2 hands, 9 hours, 60 sq. m. black plastic— |
Photos: Willem Wilhelmus |
Body Bag Piñata |
13th SoToDo Performance Art Congress, Sacramento, California, USA, April 2006 |
1 industrial crane, 1 industrial crane operator, 1 musician, 1 sound system, 1 audience armed with California poppies and reeds, 1 body – mouth taped, eyes blind-folded, 1 crocheted black plastic body bag, 50 red, white & blue balloons, 50 trinkets |
Audio Text: Come on up! Take a whack! It’s an American in a sack! |
A performance inspired by disgust at the news of Americans torturing Iraqis at Abu Ghraib